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Old 05-27-2014, 07:49 PM   #33
Knuckle Buster, Instructor
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Pantego, NC
Posts: 567
Re: My Latest Toy - 72 K5 Blazer CST

Finally, I have a working speedometer. I had 2 bad driven gears. One had the gear chewed up, the other had a cable and a drill bit broken off inside. I carried them both to the machine shop and had them cut in half, drilled for a dowl and then faced to the exact length. Then tig welded the 2 good halves together in the middle. I may be country but know more than one way to get the job done. Sorry, forgot to snap a pic of it. I also changed out the huge rear diff cover to a stock one that doesn't hit the gas tank. Replaced the pinion seal at the same time. I should have pulled the pinion out and replaced the bearings since I'm about convienced that's my noise. Road trip this weekend or I would have tried it. Right now I'm planning on driving it to the beach to get my new rear seat!
Current classic fleet:
72 K5 Blazer CST, unrestored factory Orange paint...mostly
69 C10 factory SWB, 454, TH400, Saddle tan, Rust-o-ration
53 Studebaker M35 w/331 Reo gas I-6, Air Force Strata Blue
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