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Old 05-28-2014, 11:50 PM   #11
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Re: Garage interior finish

Any websites I can check that colored steel on or pics of what it looks like in garages? I thought ply would be stronger than osb. I guess I'd rather have BC than osb though since it would take a lot of work to get the osb finished the way if like it. So 1/2 BC is prob what I'm gonna have to do on the walls? Ceiling could still be 3/8 couldn't it? Or?? I'll try and get some pics tom night after work! I should have been taking some of what it looked like before I did some of this stuff. Or some of the crazy stuff I've found when tearing everything apart. There was open electrical boxes buried in the wall, open air splices, and just shotty work. It makes me laugh a little bit how stupid people are... Thanks for all the input of this stuff!
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