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Old 01-07-2004, 09:02 PM   #6
Earl Junior
Cadillac power
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: North Idaho
Posts: 296
No problem!

I used to tow a 22 foot enclosed four-place snowmobile trailer with my Dad's '89 GMC 1500. It had a 350, four speed, and 3.73:1 gears. Trailer was 3500+- pounds, and four fully loaded sleds added another 2600 pounds, plus maybe one in the bed which is another 600 pounds or so. I'd say I had close to 7000 pounds on a regular hitch doing 65 over Snoqualmie Pass.
Just for the record, if I'm down to my last potato, I'm not sharing it with a guy who wants to kill me so he can get a better supply of virgins in paradise. That lesson is a little thing I call Economics 101, infidel style.

--Scott Adams author of Dilbert
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