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Old 05-30-2014, 04:46 PM   #5
old cool
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Re: Breather on 230?

I'm sorta going off subject here, but I replaced the grommet for the pvc yesterday on my 250. I found a generic that measured out the same as mine at O'rlys. The job was not as simple as it looks. lol
The old grommet was almost melted into the valve cover. It began coming apart as I carefully pried with screw driver... SO, I applied a little penetrating oil and had someone hold a wet dry vac as I worked. Ended up removing the upper part of rubber first; then made vertical cut with razor knife; then carefully used screw driver and began prying the inside (melted and crystallized) part out. The whole time I had visions of rubber pieces laying on top of the head. But, it was all good in the end.
The generic grommet looks original and fits very snug. It took a little elbow grease and some help going in. PVC was snug as a bug. At least at this point, vacuum system is improved and the hose stands vertically.
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