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Old 06-01-2014, 12:42 AM   #17
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Re: '47-'51 3100 Hanging Pedals Puzzle

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
By the way, I say that those boosters and master cylinders on the firewall are ugly because I had one hanging on my firewall for several years and hated the fact that it was the first thing you saw every time you opened the hood and blocked the view of half of the left side of the engine that I had worked on pretty hard to get it to look nice. It really worked good though, I'll say that.
I can appreciate that. But this isn't going to be a show truck. The 235 isn't going to be freshly painted, etc. It's really going to be a functional truck with a well patina'd body. Function will go before form in some situations and I may use a smaller booster or a hydroboost if I can find on that'll work from a different vehicle.
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