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Old 06-02-2014, 01:54 PM   #1
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Easy Coolant Temp Sensor Fix

I have a 1985 SWB. For my swap I used a 2004 5.3. For my gauges i used a 91 suburban cluster. I wanted everything to look stock and did not want to use a aftermarket temp gauge. So instead of drilling the head or buying an adapter, I found an easy solution. I am using a 2004 temp sensor with the 91 gauge

1 Go to Radio Shack or local electronic store and find a variable resistor or a Potentiometer.

2 If using a Potentiometer hook up the signal wire between the sensor and the gauge to the middle connector and one of the outer connector.

3 Start the engine and warm up to operating temp. (Having HP Tuner is the best way to verify this)

4 When truck is at operating temp. Turn the dial (or adjust variable resistor) till the gauge reads the desired temp.

5 Loc down the Potentiometer or variable resistor. (I soldered mine)

Hope this helps
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