Thread: ebfabman
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Old 01-08-2004, 12:21 PM   #2
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Hello super72bb, yes I am here and am very, very close to announcing a price on the videos. There were a few details to work out when I finished all the editing and it seems its the small details that take more time than expected.
I will say this, anyone who will ever want to tackle any type of panel replacement especially on these trucks will find these videos very useful and a good investment indeed. One of the things I wanted to accomplish on this video project was to create a tool that I would like to have had as a guide when I was learning years ago. As I have said in the past what a drasticly shorter and less painful learning curve it would have been for me. My goal is to do the same for everyone who makes this investment. Believe me, I can't wait for your reviews to see if I have failed or succeeded.

I am working very hard to make them widely available very soon. Please stay tuned and thanks for your patience..........eb
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