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Old 06-04-2014, 06:41 AM   #25
Special Order

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Re: Pic Thread: Customized Hot Wheels,etc

I was unmotivated and bored on Sunday,which usually gets me doing something piddly rather than any of those things on "the list". I had a group of Hot Wheels slated for body swaps or paint jobs,so out came the drill,stripper,and paint. Nothing too special,but customs all the same.
I wish I could knock out all this paint work on real trucks all in one day. First,is the Archie's '70 Blazer. I kept looking at these at the store but passed them up because I don't care for the tv show tampo thing and the way the grilles are it would be hard to do nice color change. It hit me if I masked the upper off I could paint the lower with rallye wheel paint and have a decent looking Blazer:
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"BUILDING A BETTER WAY TO SERVE THE USA"......67/72......"The New Breed"

GMC '67 C1500 Wideside Super Custom SWB: 327/M22/3.42 posi.........."The '67" (project)
GMC '72 K2500 Wideside Sierra Custom Camper: 350/TH350/4.10 Power-Lok..."The '72" (rolling)

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