Originally Posted by gramps77
opposite problem.
My 77 only works on the 3 lower settings and NOT on high. It just shuts it all right off
Seriously thinking about going to Vintage Air
There's an orange wire from the switch, from the resistor, and from the blower that are all connected together in a splice. The only way to lose HI while keeping MED and LO, is for the orange wire to be broken between the switch and the splice, or for the switch to be broken on the contact the orange wire connects to. Everything else is OK or you would not have LO and MED.
Check the orange wire from the switch to the splice for breaks. Make sure the orange wire is connected well (contacts are clean etc) to the switch, and make sure the splice is intact. You can also disconnect the connector from the switch and check resistance between the brown wire connection on the back of the switch and the orange wire connection on the back of the switch to make sure the switch is OK.