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Old 06-04-2014, 07:00 PM   #1
Cluster King
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Location: Junction City, OR
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??Oil Pressure high limit on gauge??

Hello all,

I am wondering if anyone knows exactly what the high mark on the oil pressure gauge represents in psi? I know on the 67-72,s it is 60 or 80 depending on the gauge and they are marked to identify.

Even the 50-54 gauges are marks by a number of PSi but the 64-66 gauges only have marks.

Is it 30 lbs or 60 lbs or 45 lbs??? I know what my guess is but want some input from others please.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Thank you,
Contact me on all of your gauge cluster needs. I specialize in restoration, repair and parts sales for 67-72 Chevy and GMC trucks. email me at

I am also a dealer for Counterpart for gauge cluster parts only.

Also see my facebook page, CG&C
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