What i am trying to do is have the crossmember in so i can bolt the engine and trans together and put them in as a whole. thats why i was looking for pictures, and maybe measurments. but i guess i am going to have to wait untill i have the engine done.
67chevemall-Yes i am fine, my 3 speed had major problems with it, went threw a clutch every 3 months and just didn't like being run hard. I felt as though the auto would give me more consistant times at the track, and with the 3 speed i had to lift the engine to get the clutch past the xmember (pain in the @$$). don't get me wrong i love sticks and my next project is going to be a stick, plus i drive an 89 blazer every day and that is lifted with an sm465. and thank you for the luck... i am going to need it with this truck
Randy70c-10: do you have a pic of the holes to use. i guess the one of the owners before me put some extra holes in, so the crossmember can fit into 2 places, one more forward and one more rear. thanks for the help
sorry to rable on everyone
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