Re: 35" tires affects speedometer, odometer too?
Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine
Well, yes. What I meant by 'LESS' is you'll have indicated fewer miles than you have actually gone.
Think of different units of measure. A Statute Mile is 5,280 feet. A Nautical Mile is ~6,076 feet. A League is 3 Miles [Naut.] A bigger tire has a longer circumference which will click the ODO fewer times.
I once got a speeding ticket because I had taped "KNOTS" over my speedometer. [My correction was close to 1:1.15.] The cop, also familiar with general aviation, said I had to have known I was going too fast if I knew I was indicating in Knots.
55 Knots = 63.25 MPH. Besides the speeding tic I also had a repair order, so I had to go to a state-certified speedo shop to get at least a correction card [graph].
Awesome, thanks!! I was thinking you meant "less" as far as mpg's lol.
Last edited by jordanblea; 06-06-2014 at 03:56 PM.