Originally Posted by SS Tim
$300 is a very unrealistic budget for a camper. Most of the time when you find a unit that cheap you are paying someone to haul it away for them. Generally repairs can be very expensive and if it was not cared for the internal structure can be junk as well as the systems.
In fact you can easily spend $300 just on the odds and ends like tie downs and batteries.
Very true! I got the camper I had for $100 bucks as a hunting camper project. After replacing the floor, part of the ceiling, all the wood on 1 wall and all 4 corners where the jacks bolted up because all the wood was rotten. Resealed the entire rig (including windows), made my own curtains and reupolstered the seats. Luckily the 3 way fridge worked flawlessly and the stove/oven worked great. The heater had to be replaced, and the fresh water system all had to be replumbed, and I had to replace the cracked fresh water tank. Black and gray water tanks were okay, but had to reseal the gray water tank where the shower ran into it. Replaced toilet. None of the clearance lights worked, so those all had to be replaced or rewired. Needed new battery. Propane tank was okay. Also had to find a queen mattress for the over cab sleeper.
So needless to say...a $100 dollar camper turned into dang near a $2,000 dollar project. Main thing I can tell you is... double check where there could be water damage and moldy/rotten wood. It will save you a lot of heartache and work.