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Old 06-10-2014, 07:36 AM   #1
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Rear axle option....

Rear end question:
I'm currently running a 72 Impala 12 bolt in the rear of my AD. I realize it's fairly strong and desirable, but there are a few things making it less so to me. First, it's a 2.72 ratio. I just came off the road from 1000 miles of hot rod magazines power tour and the 2.72 is nice, but I need to put a little more to the ground. I don't go 80 in her, so a 3.08 or 3.42 would be nice.

Second, it's 5 on 5 and the front is 5 on 4.75. Driving me nuts.

So... Is the 4x4 S10 rear the best option? Regearing and changing axle shafts and drums will be expensive compared to a junk yard replacement. I don't mind cutting and welding perches, so my principle concern is width and ratio.

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