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Old 01-09-2004, 12:26 AM   #8
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I had to look a couple times. they almost looked like the I had and have on there.but are different pictures.

I'm dealing with a personn that doesn't like the shipping cost for a tailgate band. they think 28 is to much for shipping. Why don't people understand about oversized packages costing alot to send..
3 day and no email back from him. auction ended last friday.

Ignorance runs rampid on ebay..I may not be the smartest man, but atleast I'm not them

I don't hesitate to leave Neg feedback. I plan to friday when this guy doesn't respond back.. I state in my auctions respond within 5 days. if not neg feedback will happen..and seems almost everyone that doesn't respond back quickly seems to have someone dieing or sick in there family

coincidence, I think not..

I would leave neg feedback and contact ebay.
70 c10 is right, hopefully it was a postal money order..

Good luck.
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