lets see, everything worked fine before the hose broke, i blew out a front brake hose, i bought the set of three to repair them.i took the front lines off at the same time and put them back on ok. i took off the rear hose , i started to put it back on and come to find out the two places where the ridged lines go into didnt fit, sooo i put the old one back on, then i tightened everything back up. i proceded to bleed the lines to get all the air out. well i've bled and bled and put a quart of brake fluid through the system. it still seems spongy and air still comes out,the passenger side only,the other side is only oil, i dont have any leaks anywhere in the lines that i've seen. i've changed the two calipers up front and pads.shoes are new in rear, whats funny is when i push brake peddel after the engine is off its real hard to push and when i release it it seems to shoot out like its under pressure. i pump the peddel with the engine stoped and alot of air comes out also. im stumped anyone out there in chevy land have any idea of what i can do now? it seems like i've changed the booster last year i think the only thing i have not changed is the perportioning valve,

any help would be appreciated very much.