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Old 06-11-2014, 04:05 PM   #18
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Re: sound deadener/heat shield: best bang for your buck, how many square feet?

"Bang" for your buck is something I've been wanting to know for a while now.

I have emailed a lot of the sound deadening sales people, and none of these companies are ever willing to do any testing. Like decibel tests. They are likely afraid to find out who's actually the best. A lot of it is down to the mil thickness of the aluminum though. A lot of these solutions I see on here, really aren't going to be very effective due to the very thin aluminum backing. Roofing supplies are going to have a very thin aluminum compared to those designed specifically to hamper sound. They're just not made for that purpose.

Then you need a layer of foam, then you need a layer of vinyl. So unfortunately there really isn't a cheap way out on this one.
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