IT'S REAL!!! More progress pics. Must be my lucky week. Received these photos today from Jay at the
foundry. By the way, they are located in Kalamazoo, Michigan, about 2 hours from Detroit. How cool is that!
These are pictures of the raw casting. Next stop after I receive it is to the machine shop to mill the through hole for the pivoting hardware. After that is done, I'll have it polished. It's my goal to one day be able to do all these post-casting processes my self when I am able to leave the day job. But for now, I have to rely on outside sources.
The last two pictures are of the flask. You will see the impression of the pattern I showed you a couple days ago. Sorry about the blurry one.
I texted these pictures to my wife when I got them today and wanted to share her response. She's very supportive. She says, "IT'S ALIVE!! You mad scientist. Can't wait to hold it."
Here is another photo of the wood flasks that foundries have been using since the 1800's