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Old 06-12-2014, 12:53 PM   #13
old cool
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Location: Rochester, MI
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Re: What year is your truck?

Thanks for the encouraging words. Woog and 63-10, I think you're able to read between the lines. I had no idea hybrids (great metaphor to sum up my dilemma) could be taken to such levels. Moreover, that a seller would leave out all his/her research and discoveries during the sale. I learned a lot from this deal. Sad-to-say.
I promise to put up pictures soon so you all can see what a decent looking truck I have. It just has a few surprising leaks, pops, whines, and carbon problems.
Back to the issue at hand, I will take your advice Woog and document all numbers and save parts as they come off the truck. But, I have to reiterate, I'm having little to no luck using the web. I enter my part numbers and sometimes get linked to ebay; sometimes no results at all. Too bad there isn't a reference book that would list drive-line and suspension numbers by year. That would be "awesome" (as my grandson would put it).
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