Originally Posted by clinebarger
P0128....Change thermostat, Use the correct temp AC Delco thermostat.
P0135, P0155....Bank 1&2 O2 heater circuits, Did new O2's fix this?
P0332, P0327...
1. Disconnect the two pin connector on top of the intake, it has a Light Blue wire & a Dark Blue wire.
2. Ohm each wire to ground. Should have resistance between 93K-107K ohms for each wire.
3. If not in specification, remove the intake manifold and check the connections and wiring to the Knock Sensors (KS).
4. Check for water down in the holes where the KS's are.
Knock sensors play a major role in controlling ignition timing.
as far as 0135, and 0155 the codes havnt come back on yet...its only ran for ten minutes or so since the change
so the ks's are under the intake?