Re: Steering
I had the exact same problem when I installed my 73 Disc Brake suspension and power steering upgrade. Your left wheel is turning left slightly while your right wheel is straight correct? If so very easy fix.
1) grab a long straight edge - I used a 6' plastic level because that's what I
and it's light weight.
2) grab a helper - you will need 2 people
3) Get a stubby flat blade screwdriver a #3 common works great
4) Park your truck with the steering wheel straight and your tires as close to
straight as you can.
Loosen the 2 nuts on your tie rod sleeve on the drivers side shove your stubby screwdriver in the split in the sleeve. Have your helper hold your straight edge across the center of your tire with the majority of the straight edge facing the rear of the truck keeping it straight and level. Turn your adjusting sleeve until your straight edge is parallel down the side of the truck & lock down your sleeve nuts. Repeat on the passenger side. This won't get you perfect toe in/ toe out but it will be darn close. If you didn't rebuild your suspension you might have to soak your tie rods & sleeves with WD-40 and work them back and forth with your stubby screwdriver a bit until they turn freely. You will be surprised how easy they turn. I have 11" wide tires on my truck and it took almost no effort but I rebuilt my front suspension and I used Never Seize on my threads upon reassembly.
Hope this helps.