Thread: Its On The Road
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Old 01-09-2004, 03:13 PM   #1
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Its On The Road

got the brakes bled last night, and took it to the shop,, it passed inspection with flying colors... now for the plates and put it back to work... I swapped rearends, but replaced the seals on the "new to me" on,, new shocks in rear,new rear u-joint now how do I grease it,, my gun wont fit beteen the joints.???, new rear brakes and u-bolts.. added overload springs to the rear from the donor truck.. and new brake lines from front to rear.. more work then I thought and longer then I wanted to (took a year to get around and get it done) but its running again! I'll take some pics, not much to look at yet.. but its mine! I posted some pics before on the pictures forum... I'll have to find that link... FINALLY!
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