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Old 06-17-2014, 02:58 AM   #346
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Re: 1958 Apache 38 Dually Dump Project

I'm also really struggling with the need for steps of some sort. It's tall enough to need them, I just don't usually like the look of steps.

My boy and I decided to make a simple set that was based on two sections of c-channel running under the frame side to side. The height is right, acts as a cross member of sorts to tie the frame together, is easily removed, and is pretty stout.

We fit 2" tube to the outside and will plate the top. It looks like it sits down low and sticks out too far, but will tie in well once we fit the bed and underbody boxes back on to the chassis and is at a good position to be effective steps.

Oh, while it may not look like it, the exhaust/mufflers will fit between the steps and body.

When its all said and done, if I really don't like them...4 bolts and they're gone.
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