Originally Posted by Lugnutz65
T.J. I don't agree with the 1995 S10 combo you mentioned above as a workable solution because it won't bolt up to his bell housing. A 1995 S10 T5 will have a FORD bolt pattern.
For the T5 transmission - 1993 was the last year that a Chevy S10 or GMC S15 had a T5 with a Chevy pattern case. From 1994 on, the T5s in S10/S15 trucks had a FORD pattern case. So a 1995 T5 will not bolt up to a 292 bell housing.
I also don't think that Stovebolt.com sells bell housing adapters.
If the OP wants a daily driver 5 speed OD transmission, then a T5 is an economical and practical option, but I agree that it will not take abuse.
If the OP decides to stay off the drag strip and will refrain from doing burnouts, then the world class T5 from a 1988 -92 Camaro or Firebird would be a good choice. Keeping the bench seat would require a tail housing swap. Going with bucket seats would allow him to keep the Camaro shifter position and keep the cable speedo connection too.
Adapter plates are only needed for the S10/S15 T5s and there are even ways to get around that.
Well...I think you missed one of my posts cause when I found out the guy was gonna go to the drag strip I let him know that the S10 T5 was not a good idea...also...yes..I know about the different years..I just get them mixed up once in awhile. lol And Langdon's stovebolt actually does sell an adapter...but not for this engine.