Thread: Glide VS 400
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Old 06-20-2014, 06:34 PM   #12
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Re: Glide VS 400

Truck sees very little driving on the street, and is trailered to the track.

The more I think about it the more I'm leaning towards a glide, I have pro's and cons for both and only pro for the 400 is the extra lower gear, but considering the motor I have planned to build next, at 1100+Hp and torque in the 850-900 range I'm almost wondering if the 2speed would be easier on parts off the line, and the lower gear not even noticed.

But maybe I'm wrong in my thinking, might just come down to a coin toss.
Speed is just a matter of money, question is how fast can you afford to go?
8.95@148.97mph all motor haven't tried bottle yet
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