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Old 06-20-2014, 10:56 PM   #34
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Re: Oh No It Was An Accident! REALLY!

Originally Posted by MidLifer View Post
That's a good price if the mileage isn't too high. Some of the SUVs came with aluminum blocks, while the pickups had iron blocks with aluminum heads. Some guys say the iron blocks are better but I have no experience, I've just been researching a LS swap for my 71. It would make your truc into a nice DD if you are up for the wiring and plumbing required to do a LS swap.

The LS engines were built for a 400K mile lifecycle. My neighbor's 02 burb has almost 300K and just started to make lifter noise but otherwise has served him well with zero engine trouble.
would I be able to use the matching 4L60E trans as well you think?
Im trying to figure out what would be best. using my frame and swapping in the LS, or doing the full S10 swap. Or slapping in a standard 350SBC. From the pictures I got from the seller, looks like someone put a V8 black in it already. I wonder if the transmission that's in the truck is a 3 speed or 4 speed.
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