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Old 06-21-2014, 06:42 PM   #2
bandy boys
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: winnipeg, mb
Posts: 16
Re: Repo door skin questions

I know nothing on door skins of that era.

For door skins I get rid of the rust on the edge of the frame where your skin is going to make contact on both sides. Rough up your doorskin to the edge of the inner flange you will bend over and rough up past the 90 degree about quarter of an inch. I then put a thin coat of panel bond or similar product on both sides of your bare metal on the door frame. Make sure your skin is where you want it before applying. You can then put the skin on the frame. I know with panel bond there is lots of time for working. Clamp and start rolling the edge. Don't try to do one spot at a time but work the length bit by bit. Use a hard rubber block on the outside of the door with your pressure on the edge. Easy does it. Don't be surprised when you look along the bottom of your door when you are done and it is wavy. A little hammer and dollying will fix that. A tack on each top corner should be fine. Now rest your arm.

Last edited by bandy boys; 06-21-2014 at 06:46 PM. Reason: Forgot tack welds
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