hello all! I have been lurking on this great site for a while now.i will make an attempt to post some photos of my truck that I have owned since 1980. it was my first vehicle I got when I was 14 years old.it has been thru many transitions thru the years and going thru a major one now.i hope I live long enough to get it back together.

this is it when I got it the original hood was rotten and replaced with a 62-66 hood.

ready for paint late 1983.

painted easter of 1984 disappointed it looked too orange

june of 1984 just in time to drive to my graduation from highschool glad it tuned redder.

1994 tearing into it again it stayed this way and sat till 2004 I slapped the doors and fenders back on and drove it a year.

here we stand today.replacing all the bad and patched up metal with panels that wont available back in the 80s..hope the photos work.