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Old 06-24-2014, 06:13 PM   #35
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Re: My first build SAFETY ORANGE

So I finally broke down and bought the bolt in c-notch. Had time this past weekend to go ahead and install it. Here's a few pics..

As far as removing the bed, it's as simple as removing the 08 carriage bolt and disconnecting the wiring harness located inside the driver side frame (closest to the rear).

I'll elaborate here.. Support the frame in front of and behind where you will be cutting. First you want to make a template using the widest portion of the actual notch (if you scribe the inside of the notch, your cut will not be big enough). Since the notch (this specific one) can only go in one place (because of the bend in the frame AND the notch), mock it up and figure out where the outsides of the notch will go. Place your template on there or scribe it on there. After this is done remember to drill out the corners of the cuts to prevent and possible cracking in the future. I started my cuts with a buck-eye (side grinder, angle grinder) and then finished them with the sawzall. Try to cut a 90 on the bottom portion of the frame. After the cut, try the notch to see how it fits. Trim as needed. Take a couple of clamps and hold the notch in place so you can center punch and pre-drill all of your holes. Bottom bolts should be put in first (at least 2). Attach all your nuts and bolts. The front side of the bump stop perch will need to be trimmed off (for my year model anyway). Install your after market bump stops and that's pretty much about it. Drive it around a little bit and make sure everything is all good and you're done.

This was the same afternoon after I installed the c notch. My first cruise-in.

My brother finally decided he wanted an old school too. We drove 3 1/2 hours to get this 1975 Lincoln Continental.
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