When instaling motor in vehicle, among other things, do not forget to tighten all spark plugs. LOL
I was trying to figure out why my truck bogged down everytime I tried to take off (this is the 67 which now has the 350 from the 1/2 ton) I adjusted and re-adjusted the carb and timing even began to wonder if the cam might need to be replaced (this is partially a warning about the whole jumping to conclusions thing which is a pet peeve of mine and the cause of more engine tear downs than actual mechanical problems IMHO) when I happened to look down on the passenger side bank as the truck was running, and still missing considerably, and noticed #'s 6 and 8 spark plugs doing a litttle dance for me and hanging on by a thread or two (Get it?) LOL.
I have thought of writing a book or something, like the "Tales of the Absent Minded Mechanic"
It's a good thing I don't do this for a living.