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Old 06-25-2014, 08:35 AM   #1
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Auto/Man steering column wiring differences

I am looking to do a TH350 to manual swap in my 1972 C10. In doing so, I will be putting in a floor shift steering column, which obviously does not have the connector for the neutral safety switch and backup light switch like my auto column does.

Now I'm looking at under dash wiring harnesses on American Autowire's website, and notice that there aren't separate harnesses for the auto trucks and manual trucks. Only different part numbers for the trucks with factory gauges and for those without.

Now my question is, how were floor shift trucks wired from the factory? Did they all have the same under dash wiring harness complete with the same connector for the neutral safety switch and backup light switch installed under the dash? (I.e. There, but just not hooked up?) The manual trucks had no type of neutral safety switch, correct? I'm trying to get the wiring sorted out and suck at reading the factory diagrams. I want to make the wiring as clean as possible for the swap. Any ideas?
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