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Old 06-25-2014, 09:42 AM   #8
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Re: Junkyard scores. Cool analog phone and 2 quartz gauge clusters!!!

Originally Posted by Greenlee View Post
I was looking for a clock a while back and they run about $50 on eBay. Also, it's kind of hard to find clusters in which the printed circuit on the back isn't mutilated. So I would say its a pretty good score.

The phone is a nice conversation piece.
True, the printed circuits de-laminate and the contacts lift all the time. My gf's 81 Z28 had a real horrible one, all the layers where separated so the cluster didn't work at all - tossed that circuit since I built a custom cluster.

LMC wants like $80 just for the printed circuit, so if you're getting clusters for $20, thats a deal! When g-bodys were still showing up in yards around here, I would find a tach cluster every once in awhile and buy it for $20, and they sell for anywhere between $80 to $150.
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