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Old 06-26-2014, 02:40 PM   #17
SS Tim
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Re: Did I Stumble Into a Highlander?

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
I know those are not highlander hubcaps it has on it in the pics, but it's optioned with 'PA1 Deluxe Wheel Covers' just like the package C highlander I posted in the other thread. My question is, was there a separate RPO code for the standard full wheel cover and the highlander ones? And if so, would you have been able to order the Monte type wheel covers on a regular truck?

looks to me like a highlander that just didn't get listed on the SPID, I mean after all they were typed by humans and things happen, right?

The "Special" PA1 wheelcovers included on the "Promo Package Highlanders" were offered on any C10 (w/15" wheels) right from the beginning of the MY. They were expensive too!

If you have a YG8 (Promo Package "C" Highlander) with P01 wheelcovers I'd like to see it. Could you repost or link to the SPID?

Last edited by SS Tim; 06-26-2014 at 03:30 PM.
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