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Old 01-10-2004, 11:54 PM   #10
Embrace the Redneck
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Cabot, AR
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about a month ago i thought that i had jumped a tooth on my 68 250 I6 - i heard "backfiring" - all of a sudden when i first started it up. No power loss and NO trouble starting, checked the timing - way off. I began to tear apart. My stepdad asked me if it was for a fact backfiring? Said i wasn't sure. I then checked the bottom of my breather top and it was still mirror shiny as that chrome piece should be, therfore, no backfireing. sure enough the dots lined up. twisted distributor and burned up points along witht he bad need of a tune up. 3 weeks later. the only problem i have now is the fact that my engine is clean after replacing all of the gaskets and putting a "speedy sleve" on my balancer and no choke cable.

Check the little things, fouled plugs, rotor, rotor cap, distributor, then tear apart!
'01 Camaro

Son, you just can't get there from here...
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