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Old 06-29-2014, 07:00 PM   #8
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Re: 72 GMC SWB Frame Swap With 71 C10 SWB Frame

Both of the trucks do carry the same mounts and frames[all else being the same[C series to C series and K series to K series]. The deal on the springs is[the best I can tell] that the coil springs were standard on Chevrolet's and a option on GMC's and the leaf springs were standard on the GMC's and optional on the Chevrolet. So while having a 2 wheel drive GMC with coils may look out of the normal it could happen just as leaf sprung Chevrolet's did and be just another option to add to a list. So that aspect of the frame change should not affect the decision on weather or not witch frame to use when changing frames. Jim
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