Originally Posted by jlaird
Just to confirm, are we talking about only the passenger side as having the visibility issue?
I can only speak for the passenger side. I have new doors that didn't have the holes drilled in them. I drilled the passenger side per the measurements in the manual, installed the mirror and jumped in the truck to admire my handy work only to be horrified when I couldn't see anything even close to me. I had my daughter stand behind and to the side of the truck, I couldn't see her until she was at least 10 feet out from the rear fender. I didn't want to drill the driver side after that.
I don't want to have to lean half way across the truck to see out of the mirror. I've been told the OEM mirrors aren't any better.
I would even consider installing a round mirror on the sport mirror base if it allows me to see without leaning across the truck.