Thread: LS1 or 327?!!!!
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Old 07-01-2014, 10:33 AM   #8
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Re: LS1 or 327?!!!!

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
If the 327 runs fine why swap? I'm not down on LS conversions. I just love these old trucks and how they have "always" driven. I like how they sound,how they feel,how they smell,how they run,and especially how reliable they have been. That's what made them so popular through the test of time. This may make a lot of guys defensive,but I feel the benefits of the LS swaps won't be realized enough to make them worthwhile for most. I want better mileage,too,but unless it's pretty much a daily driver that doesn't balance out in my book. You can get a lot of power easier from an LS. I love mo' horsepower,but 300 is easy from the 327 and I still enjoy that much power as much as ever. It's not a race car and fast enough is fast enough for me. I have a motorcycle to go real fast on and it's way more fun than in a pickup truck. If I have 450-500hp I want everyone withing a block to know it. I love the sound and feel of an angry high compression lumpy cam motor. I guess if I'm going to throw a computer in my good old easy and cheap to diagnose & fix truck it will be to gain the full benefits of that technology. For a pleasure cruiser it's not worth all that for me. Newer vehicles are great to travel in,rack up the miles,and get to work. If I did all that in my '72 I'd consider the modern stuff
Originally Posted by DaddyO View Post
It's a matter of personal preference I think. While I do love the old school I chose to give my truck an update and put in a LS1 and I have not regretted it one bit. When I put my truck together I wanted the best of both worlds. I wanted added horsepower and reliability and improved mileage My truck can be driven daily or I can take a road trip without a second thought. . I have the horsepower and my LS 1 tuned and has a healthy rumble to it. An LS can be set up to give you a nice sound. Once set up the LS is very reliable , even for the occasional cruiser. Horsepower gains can be easily achieved with an LS if that's what you are looking for. In fact a growing number of the cruisers here are embracing the new technology and are reaping benefits from it.

So, the choice is yours.

Good luck and happy motoring.
An outdoor toilet was good in it's day, but indoor plumbing made life a lot easier.

Don't get me wrong, I've had a love affair with small block Chevys for long long time, but for me, it's time to move out of the stone age.

LS1 is going in this project..

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2002 LS1/4L60E
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