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Old 01-11-2004, 01:00 PM   #20
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get this blunder, set the timing, but for got to tightin the distributer hold down, closed the hood and cranked it,backfire, then nothing, tried a couple of times, though maybe I flooded it so I'll just sit and wait for a minute, as I'm gazing out the windshield, I couldn't help but notice the paint bubbling on the hood @#!$%#. heres one thats kinda car related, this is back in the day when being enviromently friend was un heard of, I pulled the pan plug and was draining my oil in the sand, when I hear the wife yell, I'm sending Shawna out to play watch her, so here comes our 2 yr old daughter with her new snow suit on, turn my back for a second and splat falls back into the oil, I turned and looked and she was doing oil angles in the oil, don't need to tell you what the wife did, man I would rather took a finger of in the fan believe me, still hearing about that one
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