Thread: Bouncy Burb
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Old 07-02-2014, 08:07 PM   #1
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Bouncy Burb

I have a 73 Suburban and I would like to sort out the ride.
It's not *terrible* but there are some bumps on the highway where the thing feels like it's getting too much altitude!

Shopping for springs and shocks, and so far "off road designs" seems to have replacements. But I'm not sure what I'm looking for as I'm new to "4 Leafs".

I'm eyeing Bilstein 5125 (from memory).

Can y'all make some recommendations on springs/shock combos you like?

It's a family camping rig with some light off-roading.

Tuff Country and ORD seem like a no-brainer:


Last edited by swissarmychainsaw; 07-02-2014 at 09:28 PM.
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