Re: how many miles is too much?
The insurance sale I go to I am now seeing 200 k stuff more the norm where it used to be the 100K stuff. The railroad has used this same sale to dispose of some of its trucks and some had 590 to 630 with the original motors in them. That sounds incredibly hard to believe I know but I've seen more than just those few examples. I used to buy the parts delivery trucks from Russell Chevrolet in Sherwood AR, they are one of the largest wholesale parts distributors in the state. At one time they may have ran as many as 10 trucks, and I would buy the ones that were taken out of service that were not spoken for by family and friends and whatnot. These trucks of course were madly serviced even down to wiper fluid fill and all got shop tickets and each truck came to me with service records.[my uncle still drive one of the first batch a 99 that has 270k on it and he has replaced the battery and a alternator in 13 years of him driving]. Some of these trucks would be only a model year or two old when I would get them but the mileage was over 200K. Now I said all that to say this, one of the last I bought[they changed parts managers and now a closer friend has the truck deal]was a 04 in 07 or 08 it had 321 thousand on it and they said they had just overlooked bringing it off the road. I drove the truck till about 330 then sold it to my local wholesaler who sold it local. i see the truck every couple of days and we speak he will say I'm still riding I have[last we spoke about a month ago]478thousand and he said he would not be afraid of leaving for a cross country trip in the morning.
One reason the engines are so cheap at the salvage yards[I'm talking truck LS's now] is because of 75% of them if they have oil and cool enough coolant they will live very long lives. Only in the last few years has the prices of the truck LS's started to level out[they were at real deep discounts for truck people an for the public they were still high, but as time has came along those two pay scales have leveled out.Many years ago I was buying 5.3 motors with less than 100k for $300[no acc] because the salvage yard owner had 40 or 50 of them in the rack and just said get one and go. Now not so much. They are long lasting, maybe I just shouda said that. Jim