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Old 07-04-2014, 08:35 PM   #72
SS Tim
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Re: Time for some longhorn love, show pics

Originally Posted by stsalvage View Post
...will have to pull the Vin code off of it...So we have one rare truck here and it was made here in Calif But its a 1968 Longhorn or early 69 longhorn
Let me save you the trouble of looking it up.

In the seven years you have had this truck up on the board there hasn't been a lot of information about it.
The VIN does not tell the complete story as Andy (longhornman) suggested it would. It does however tell us the truck is a 68 3/4 ton V8 pickup built in Fremont. But without a model number from the SPID it hard to tell from pictures what your truck actually is. Being as it has a late 68 VIN number, very late in fact supports it being a production 68 C20 Longhorn. However the toolbox bed would indicate the bed, bedside or box were later additions. Is the SPID present? Have you verified the frame partial VIN with the truck VIN? Has the frame been modified? Does it measure the C20 pickup 6.11" x 2.46" or the Longhorn/C30 7.20" x 2.77"?
It is very possible the truck is built up from a C20 with an extended frame or a later truck 69-70 (still had front drum brakes) that the cab has been dropped onto.
As to being rare or valuable a well worn modified truck is only as valuable as the documentation. Maybe one of these days we can arrange a visit to see it in person. :-)

Originally Posted by Steeveedee View Post
I think that the five lights on the roof were a special order for 1-Ton trucks and maybe standard on the bigger ones. I worked for a Chevrolet dealer or two from 1970-1972 off and on, with a brief stint at the assembly division in Van Nuys, CA...
Actually the lights and more importantly the bases appear very much like those seen on an Astro or Titan cabover from the early to mid 70s. They maybe an aftermarket replacement for the heavy trucks. Be interesting to see more and the underside of them for ID markings.

Originally Posted by davepl View Post
Cab lights were optional but that truck a few posts back doesn't have the GM ones. Those are aftermarket. In fact the OEM ones require a different roof that has locations stamped for them. I have aftermarket as well; in my case I'm just doing what my Dad's truck had from the dealer in '68, which also wasn't factory.
Dave its important to remember the early trucks (67-68) used a flat roof and a teardrop marker from the factory as did Panels/Suburbans through 72.
They were also offered as GM accessory kits for any flat roof conventional cab truck 67-72.
The raised pad roof came out with the introduction of the hockey puck style lamp (69-70) and continued with the fireman hat style lamps (71-72) as well.

Finally here is a picture of a 68 Longhorn bedside in very original condition showing to good effect the one year (68 only) placement of the Longhorn emblems, the optional B98 lower bodyside molding (with the 67-68 specific tailalmp molding) and the optional D89 pinstripe.

Don't get me wrong I like the truck and would very much like to find a 68 Longhorn with a documented toolbox but I don't see that happening. Having enough trouble trying to locate a great/loaded 68 C30 Longhorn (232 made).
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Last edited by SS Tim; 07-04-2014 at 08:48 PM. Reason: more
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