After not having any luck removing the tarnish on my trim with the products in my detailing gear + major elbow grease, I was not ready for fork out $350+ for a replacement front grill trim or pay a similar figure for someone to professionally fix the tarnish. So, I read a bunch of Amazon reviews and ordered these 2 products:
Never Dull: George Basch N/D...This stuff is actually a roll of tare-able cloth soaked with a solution.
Blue Magic: BlueMagic 400 Metal Polish Cream - 7...This stuff is a paste, and wow, it smells strong. I almost burned my nose hairs off when I took a whiff.
And these buffing wheels: Anytime Tools POLISH BUFFING KIT for...
I taped off a section and am very happy with the results of the Blue Magic. The Never Dull actually seemed to work OK too but the Blue Magic has a better shine and fewer remaining tarnish stains, likely because of the buffing wheel action delivered with the Blue Magic. I'll plan to take a photo with both
I'll finish the rest of the trim and see how long the finish lasts. If the nice finish doesn't last long, I'll do it again and then wax it for protection.
After Blue Magic.