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Old 07-07-2014, 07:06 PM   #24
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Posts: 33
Re: Some good pics of the 69

Originally Posted by Steve Cole View Post
That truck is super clean! Can you share how you finished your bed wood? Just the look i'm looking for, black wood but you can still see the grain. Thanks.
It was actually a pretty simple process.

After removing the boards and Stainless, I Belt Sanded each piece with 120 Grit until smooth.

I then applied 3 coats of Semi Gloss Black Duplicolor right out of a rattle can and followed that up with 3 coats of Polyurethane (Rattle Can also) and you're done. I forgot to mention that I used Scotch-Brite in between each of the 6 coats and a tack cloth to wipe clean before I sprayed the following coat.

I polished all of my Stainless with a Metal Polish I use on my Harley using one of those Meguiar's Foam attachments made for polishing wheels on a Drill.

I was very pleased with the outcome and it's an easy repair if it get's a bad scratch in it. Just spray a little of each of the Black and Poly on the affected area and you are good as new!!!!
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