Originally Posted by davepl
I'd like to get something that will set nuts where I have no access to the backside. But what kind and what tool? I'd like metal, not poly, if it's stronger.
I used nutsert on body panels and ground effects for a project car a while back. I get the terminology screwed up threadsert vs nutsert...They were around 7/16" outer diameter and used 1/4" stainless bolts. It used a tool that looked like a really heavy duty rivet gun with a long stem that screwed in to the nut set.
Screw down the nutsert on the stem, insert into the required location and squuueeezzze really frigging hard. They tighten up similar to a rivet but you're left with a threaded insert that can withstand much more force applied to it. It worked flawlessly on body panels that allow you to remove the panels for paint repair at will. The GM body rivets were around 4 bucks per rivet and very permanent. Add in you still needed a special tool for those. Look up Marson 39214 Thread-Sert on Amazon. That's what I used.