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Old 07-10-2014, 11:28 AM   #6
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Re: Is it Worth the Effort

I think you've really answered your own question. The tone in your post screams of not wanting to do it. Which, I can't blame you if this sort of thing isn't in your blood.

Restoring a vehicle is a long and hard job. It has to be a labor of love, otherwise you'd never do it. You've already said you wanted the love taken out of the equation. If that's the case, it makes no sense for you to do it. You will not get the amount of money you put into it back if you sell it. I'm not trying to be negative, just honest. It sounds like you have a very desirable truck that would be spectacular restored. It is a lot more work than you think, especially if you do it yourself.

Having said this, I implore you if you decide to sell, sell it to a board member if at all possible. Best case scenario, it's restored. Worst case, it's parted out on the parts forum and has helped others live on.
It's not that I am apathetic, I just don't care.

If your life is a joke, it appears death will be your punchline.
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