Originally Posted by SS Tim
There are two different GM and Dana part numbers listed in the GM parts catalog. Also they are shown on the exploded views but not listed by part number anywhere in Dana's X510-8DSD parts catalog.
From what I am reading there was a running change in 72. Early axles had different inner and outer slingers then they changed to the same part # for both the inner and outer slingers/deflectors.
Thanks Tim, that change in 72 rings a bell with what I was reading awhile back. the odd thing is I think the 73+ were still different since the ones I have here are way to big for either the inner or outer. I will try going through GM now that I have the PN's
Originally Posted by BLAZERMAN
Try quad4x4.com , part #QU40460
Rob, I need the outer ones, which are a bit larger than that inner.