Originally Posted by Revelation
even though I'm 34 I too feel taken back to a simpler when I'm behind the wheel.
The best is the "hey what year is your truck? My dad, grandpa, uncle ect. had one just like it" or "my brother had one of those when he went away to war and never came back". I feel a rolling memory book for strangers it feels great.
There is also a park where homeless people hang out on my way to work. I see them smile as I roll by sometimes and can't help but wonder if they them self had a truck like this or a family member did back when things were better in their life and for 2 seconds I made their day
Overdrive and power brakes would be nice but other than that i love what I have and wouldn't buy my self a newer truck if I had unlimited funds
Awesome... Have to love cruising around in an old truck. It's just hard to explain all the good feelings you get from it. Gonna be honest, got a chill while reading your post. Thanks for sharing.