Re: Another OLD BLUE Build Thread - 71 Chevy
So I have been almost non-existant for the last month. I have had 0 time to myself. A holiday, wedding, bachelor party, and numerous other events have kept me out of the garage.
We took Ol' Blue out to to watch some fireworks. Had driven it well over an hour. No issues, no overheating, no oil pressure problems worked great until about 1 mile away from home. She then started making some weird noises. I wouldn't call it a "knock" but it doesn't sound good. Once it started the noise I watched the oil pressure and temp like a hawk the remainder of my neighborhood into the garage and didn't notice anything out of order.
At this point, I have pulled the valve covers, all 8 spark plugs and the TC cover. Nothing looked irregular or broken. Don't see any metal flakes or bad smells on both transmission and engine oil. I haven't checked valve lash because I haven't had time yet but just looking and feeling, I didn't notice anything way out of whack.
Now I am down to a couple of ideas. Like I said it doesn't sound like a knock. I am still hopeful that it is something simple. My suspicion right now is that something with the cam chain/gear drive is loose and rattling around.
I need your guys' opinion on what I should do next.
1. Pull the engine. Take it to a pro engine shop have it fixed and officially dynoed then sell engine/trans/t-case. Use the profits to re-power with a LSx takeout with a chain drive (read: quiet) t-case, fuel injection, and transmission with overdrive.
2. Fix engine (maybe still have shop go through and dyno) then reinstall and still have a carb, poor fuel mileage, and no overdrive.
I have secretly told myself that if I have to pull this engine again it is not getting put back in. It runs great and has gobs of power but thus far has not proven to be worthy of a daily driver. I really would like to drive it to wheeling meets/work/around town more often without spending ridiculous amounts on fuel even if it costs me 200hp and a downgrade.
What say you guys? Anybody in the market for a big block?