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Old 07-14-2014, 05:02 PM   #1
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Location: Panama City Beach, FL
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Vortec 5700 no start, no fuel, good spark

Hey, tried a different forum but so far no help so I thought I would try here. I've been having some trouble with my 98 Tahoe and wanted to see if I could get some help! The day after I bought it on craigslist, the Tahoe refused to start. It worked fine when I test drove it but the next day it would crank but not start. I found that the roller pin in the bottom of the distributor had sheered off so I replaced the pin, reinstalled the distributor, but it still will not start. I have good fuel pressure when the key is turned and while cranking, good spark, but the plugs are dry after cranking it for a few seconds. I tried starting with gas and carb cleaner down the intake but still nothing. Security light goes on when the key is inserted but turns off after a few seconds. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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