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Old 01-12-2004, 01:55 PM   #7
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Location: Petrolia,Ontario,Canada but working in Port Huron,Mi.
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I prepped the top by following the instruction on the can of Gator Gaurd.I needed to get all "loose" material off so the Gator Gaurd would have a good base to stick to.

I sanded the top down with regular old sand paper,100 grit I think.Don't get too aggressive or you will get into the fibers past the gel coat(grey color in pic's).

We used an epoxy resin to fill the cracks.
I'm sure if you go to a autobody supply they can give you the right products for the job.Just make sure you tell them exactly what you'll be using it for.

I only coated the outside of the top.I'll be painting the outside and inside with a marine grade gloss white in the near futor.

The Gator Gaurd was a dull white right after it was applied but has since turned to a off white.That's the reason for the paint.
71 blazer,350SBC,approx.375HP,700R4,factory GM TPI.Dual electric fans,33x12.5x15 ATR on stock suspension.
Petrolia,Ontario,Canada but working in Port Huron,MI.
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